Large Design Sheet Rack with Vertical Panels
Holds up to 360 Sheets!
This popular design sheet rack has 31-1/2" x 37-3/4" vertical double-sided swing panels. These panels are made of steel and are electrostatically coated with black epoxy paint assuring a tough as nails finish. All panels come complete with sturdy white center boards and clear 10 mil PVC plastic slip sheets. Each panel holds up to six 11" x 14" design sheets on each side. All in a wall space as little as 25 inches, you can show 360 sheets of flash.
Rack with 10 Double-Sided Swing Panels includes 60 B&W assorted design sheets of our choice FREE!
Rack with 20 Double-Sided Swing Panels includes 120 B&W assorted design sheets of our choice FREE!
Rack with 30 Double-Sided Swing Panels includes 180 B&W assorted design sheets of our choice FREE!
Line drawings not included